Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Things I Hate.. sorry Dislike

There are many things I hate.. for instance I hate not having had a Saturday to spend with Baby George and Christy, I hate that my sister and me cant go for movies anymore now cos of Baby George, hate that I cant just speak up many times about something that I feel strongly about, hate that I am really scared of being hurt by the people closest to me, hate that I am sometimes unable to keep the promises I made to myself etc etc... but today it is about things I hate in others.... actually hate is too strong a word so I will use the term here goes....


a. people who lie - especially the ones who lie without any reason.

b. people who dont make efforts to sustain a relationship

c. people who emotionally blackmail

d. people who are condescending - mainly a sign of inferiority but still hate that

e. people who flash their money as an achievement

f. people who cling on to their better halves

g. people who pretend to know it all

h. people who are not natural and put up a show

i. people who ignore their better halves at parties

j. people who compare their better halves with others

k. people who dont bother with their parents

l. unncessarily accented people

m. men who hit women

n. women who refuse to be independent

o. couples who ignore others

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