So I have been feeding on a diet of old Amitabh Bachan movies.... and I am totally blown away by this man... now I can understand why he is still such a superstar..... in his movies he is the man of character.. the man who overcomes odds.... the example that every ordinary Indian can aspire to.... as compared to that the heroes of today appear to be a tad sad.... actually frivolous.... it is about love stories... or about some form of family drama... there is no depth in these characters... they are great entertainers but Amitabh brought out a personality... my God he is good....
another theme that runs through all his movies... the ability of an ordinary person to overcome his circumstances in life.... to fight against all odds and survive... and poverty was such a recurring theme in his movies..... and India was quite a difficult place to stay... in the absense of cell phones the movies show people making calls from pay phones... and almost screaming to talk.... and forget about out station calls... it was only trunk calling... ahh those days... thank God we are past that....
In other news I am quite disgusted with the entire cash for votes issue.... and how the BJP is stalling Parliament for it.... and the Tehelka story also shows that no party is above suspicion.... it is not to their credit if they ask people to buy and somebody offers them something... both parties are actually bad... and the Congress seems to have got the blame for it.... not to say that it is disappointing to see the Congress government get muddled in controversies after controversies... enough please... lets have some governance now....
My sister and the kids are down from Tanzania... at first go Baby George just kept quiet when he saw me... and later on warmed up to day in the car I asked him to sit on my lap... and he was like - no I will sit with mummy... and in jest I told him "cutty".... he got so upset... that he promptly came and sat in my lap to ensure that I would not be cutty with him.... that is so cute........