Friday, April 23, 2010

I dont need to see any movies... the IPL saga is giving me all the twists and turns needed....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My 300th post!! Pat on the back to me....

This month is all about connecting with people - friends from the past, long lost friends, friends you wanted to be in touch with but could not etc.... when I slowly touch base with these friends I wonder whether I lost out on so many happy memories cos I was too proud to admit my shortcomings or mistakes....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I was having a discussion with some of my friends about women and their position in society.... ofcourse a favourite topic with me.... talk generally veered to motherhood and career after that...

while I said every woman wants the world to see her as an independent woman, every woman also wants to have a home of her own with children etc... well maybe not every woman but lets just say majority.... and that most women dont want to compromise on either but most often women do... either it is societal pressure or just a compromise that a woman makes so that she does not disrupt her family life....

and I said in my experience almost all the women who had got married and were with children had put their career on a back seat.... to ensure that their children get the attention... and they hope that someday they will get back into the saddle ... if there is place then for them at that time in the job world ..... and most of these women are smart go getters and it is tough decision for them to give up a career and watch their peers preen on ahead....

the consensus was that women can kiss their careers good bye after mrriage and children.... but I ask why??????????????????????

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

So I refused to give Christy any of the chocolates I had got from New York since he had put on weight.... he has become obsessed with chocolates and apparently he ate 20 toffees at one go!! but when I refused Christy cried and I really felt bad....

so to make up I decided to part with something I had bought for myself - a pink shiny pen - which shines even brighter if you hit it... I got it from Natural History Museum and was really proud of my possession....

So I gave it away to Christy who at first didnt want to talk to me and then saw the pen and warmed up to me.... haha... by the end of it he was so excited!! and all bitterness at being denied chocolates was forgotten....

the only variable we didnt factor in was a belligerent Baby George.... he took one look at the pen and decided that he should have it... and wailed and cried till we gave it to him out of pity for our ears.... and promptly Baby George pretended the shiny pen was a sword and started hitting the pen everywhere.... Poor Christy was just left looking at his pen shining brightly in his brother's hands....

All was worth it - cos Later in the day Christy called me to ask me whether I had got it from America - I said Yes and then he asked me how much I paid for it ...

My reply to him - it was Priceless for it got him to talk to me!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

I sometimes wonder why people sometimes choose to talk about something or someone in front of you just to make you feel uncomfortable or to guage your reaction.

What do I do? Should I react or just leave it? And assume they meant only well? Or just pity them for being so jobless?

Friday, April 02, 2010

I was just thinking that I had some of the best times in my short visit to New York.... had such a blast... some of the memories I carry back with me:

a. Eatin Magnolia chocolate cup cake while walking down Wall Street.... delicious and wall street appeared as sweet as the delicious cup cake
b. Falling asleep on the table while watching the shooting of "Last Comic Standing" - only to be woken up by the organisers who were aghast that I could fall asleep at their show!! even my endearing pleas of jet lag didnt cut much humour with them...
c. Taking the "horsy" ride through Central Park... it was a beautiful carriage actually.... and while the horsy rider jibbed us it was nevertheless one of the most exhilirating things I have done
d. eating vietnamese food...
e. Jamba juice - particularly the meals
f. meeting up with old friends
g. going to the village and realising that it is akin my carter road... so much of energy....
h. made new friends
i. walking along the hudson.... what a gorgeous walk...

Some of the memories I will relate to people....

Thursday, April 01, 2010

What did I get for the brats?

Well I went to the natural history museum in New York and they had a section on the dinosaurs... so I thought what fun thing to get for my naughty nephews.... small dinos which they can paint and which above all are glow in the dark!!! Shucks I wish my uncles had got me these....

so off I troted to my sisters place... on seeing me coming laden with gifts my sister promptly asked "is it going to be more work for me?" Huh? I asked incredously.... what in the world could she mean....

only to realise the meaning of that question.... Baby George refused to paint the dino....instead he chose to pain the sofa and his aunt's nose... so there I was in all my office finery running away from an extremely naughty Baby George...

after sometime I snatched the brush from his hands and started painting the dinos myself...... much to the amusement of my sister.... the only good thing - Baby George learnt the words "dinosaurs" and "T-Rex"....