Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup...

Its finally first memory of the world cup was way back in my 8th or 9th standard....and I remember supporting Maradona and Argentina to the hilt..only to see them turning into rouges on the field...I remember one player even tugged at a players throat to prevent him from kicking the ball...and Argentina finally heart was crest fallen...and to add to the bad news my grandfather died the same day .... so basically it was a really sad time...

and then years later I remember getting all excited about the world cup again....and I somehow felt that you would enjoy the game better only when you are sitting with a crowd in a big house with a big TV in those days was a small little 14 inch TV so I immediately discounted I orchestrated the whole programme at my friend Sam's place...he was given specific instructions on where the TV (a large 32 inch one) should be, what drinks to get and ofcourse how much "fun" we should be having....

and as murphy's law would have it things just went crazy from the time I landed at my friend's place.....for starters my friend's tv didnt not have the normal sports channel and had only an obscure channel where the commentary was in Albanian or Arabic or some other language which we could not understand for the life of there we were watching the match and trying to decipher the commentary........and then the match reached a crucial know the point where either of the teams could lose and it just hangs on one goal....and all of us were all at our seats edge putting full concentration and thot to decipher the foreign language commentary...and then..the POWER WENT OFF!!!!!...yes in a city where the electricity never shuts it went off only in my friend's place on that particular day at that crucial moment.....and by the time we ran to my house to watch the match on my small 14 inch TV, we had missed the crucial match altering goal....

anyways this year I hope it is different...and I am writing this even as I wait for my friends to get ready to go to Sports Bar to watch the match on a 5o inch TV with loads of screaming drunk people...well people this is one time where I dont mind being in a pub...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The keyboard and life

Am sure everyone must have been told this before but....You know the saying "sometimes the answer is right in front of you"....well I just had that epiphany on a sunday afternoon sitting in front of my lap top....the answers to most of life's events are right in the keyboard of your computer....I mean one could just look at each key and find some use for it in our daily life....

for instance:

- after a bad boss day you just press the delete key to remove all memory of that person

- you could erase regrets from your life by pressing the undo sign

- for routine stuff you could just press the "copy" and "paste" sign, thus saving you a lot of time

- if your lose your keys or anything else that small and crucial,you could just press the "Find" key and get it in an instant

- for words you regret saying you could just press "backspace" with all your vigour before the person registers the meaning of the words

- and for ofcourse the last but most important one- when you are really pissed you could just go into standby mode without actually logging off your entire system

Now who wouldnt agree that God is actually speaking to us through the computer?


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Lets Go Out....

I was introduced to the concept of pubs when I was 17 when I had just started out at law school...Now at 17 it is easy to get seduced into believing that going to a pub is like the coolest thing to do .... so I did what every 17 year old would do with her friends..go to the pub/disco .... hang out with friends.... and after about 4 hours of drinking multicoloured liquids, dancing like you are michael jackson, having your ear drums blasted by the loud music, you come out and gush about how "cool" the "joint" is....and then repeat the routine all over again in another 7 days....while I never objected to most of these outings I have to honestly say that sometimes (actually most times) I really felt like a tiny little fish in a tiny little fish bowl kept at the end corner of the pub... just watching people do their stuff...

and the amazing thing is ...At 30, I STILL feel like a fish in a fish bowl at the end corner of a pub whenever I visit one of these "cool" joints with friends....

I just cannot comprehend why one would go to a place to meet up with people only to have your voice drowned by all the louuuuud music...where one has to resort to sign language to say a simple Hi! to your long lost friends..and god forbid you have to say something more complicated like "what do you want to drink?" have to make use of your hands, legs, the chair, the table as props to communicate the question across... and where half of the crowd pretends to be aerosmith and strumms away at invisible guitar.... and the rest of the crowd is anyways too busy doing the latest dance moves of some rock star I have not even heard about...and ofcourse after several hours the whole place takes on a eerie look with clouds of smoke....or is that how a drunk crowd looks ?

my 25 year old friends call me "boring" and "old" whenever I say this........ but come on...I used to feel this way when I was 17 as well... perhaps I am just a small town girl who has still not forgotten her roots ..... okkk that was stretching it a bit too far but I am just not a pub person .... I am happiest when I can hear what the person is speaking without having to do a crash course in sign language.....and where my eyes are not watering due to the smoke....and where some stranger does not stub out his cigarette on my pants cos he just mistook my leg for an astray in his drunken stupor!

anybody supporting me on this one???? I can already sense the 25 year olds coming after me for trashing their favourite past time..... I love you guys in any case...