Monday, December 05, 2011

I miss blogging... most often I am filling up this space because I dont want to lose touch with my creative side... but i have to confess that I lost interest in writing here... maybe bcos I dont have a captive audience... or maybe bcos the captive audience is so quiet that I feel like they dont care.... and maybe bcos my life has been a sort of roller coaster lately that I feel posting something about it would somehow make it different....

but I realised one thing.... I do like writing... and I like writing about my inner most feelings.... something I am not really comfortable doing when I dont know the audience.... but then if I did know then I would find it diffi to be free.... but i miss the days of 2005 when I used to analyse everything in my life and perhaps have a funny take on things... I miss writing about my nephews and their antics... and always seeing joy and happiness in their eyes... I miss the days when I could just kick back after a days work and not really keep myself guarded on what I want to write....

I still have a lot of passion to write inside me.... I just dont channelise it anymore....

but today I did decide that the one thing that really defines me is that I am not static ...... I explore new things to do and keep myself occupied and entertained.... like I tell my friends, I love my own company.... and some of them are cheeky enough to say "at least someone likes your company".... but that is me... I am always upto something - the stranger the better for me... and everyday would be fulfilling for me only if I am able to learn something new... something which increases my knowledge....

but before I end I do want to say one thing.... today somebody spoke to me about London... and somehow out of nowhere a sudden pang of saddness hit me.... I missed the city... the friendships... the magic... the cold... the happiness...the possibility... there is no city in the world which made me feel that tomorrow could be more fabulous than the earlier one.... no city in the world which held so much of promise .... and no city in the world where I have smiled so much...

I really wish I could go to London sometime soon....

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