Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So Yahoo is set to have a woman CEO after many trials and errors over the last 2 years... now the obvious fact that it is a woman heading a global organisation is itself startling.... and to boot the fact that she is a mother of 5 already with a 6th on the way is a huge thumps up everywhere for women all around the world.... constantly women I know have had to choose either one of the options- career or children... and most often (and very rightly in their view) so the option is to have children and forgo on their career... most women are happy to do it but somewhere I am sure there is a feeling of having missed the boat.. or a sinking feeling of whether you will ever be relevant to anyone outside of your family.... while on balance many women are content, given the off beat chance that all women are not made same there may be instances when a woman must be looking longingly at her degree.... close on the heels of this annoucement was a study which proved that women are actually becoming than men

so can a woman have it all? in my view she can... if her husband is supportive... and the family helps out as much as they would help out a man...then a woman can have it all...  and I dont think this should by any chance be considered as a beacon call for all women to have a career and children... its ultimately her decision to make...

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