Friday, September 07, 2012

I see the Amercian election process and I am amazed at how professional it seems..... I mean the whole thing does not reek of any sleaze or grime... everybody is well dressed including the participants who are just listening... the candidates all speak perfect english (the yardstick for sophistication I suppose), their wives speak even better than them, the children are well dressed and appear by the side of the candidate... and whether photoshopped or not the entire family looks good.... and the speeches are rabble rousing.... bright words, stinging lines and catch phrases, and all about loving one's country.....

Now move to the Indian scene.... while the top leaders are all well dressed there is a sense of chaos.... frankly I cannot relate to the Indian political campaigns.... for one there seems to be no structure... they are too many people areound.... and all of them somehow look like thugs... there is no inspiring speech given by any leader of repute.... people are just left wondering what happened in each election campaign...... and who to vote for... there is no insprising speech or any inspiring leadership.... I am left fumbling about what each candidate stands for....


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