Friday, September 07, 2012

ok... am I really way off mark or just missing the point.... but it has become an election issue that Obama signed the equal pay for equal work in the year 2011?? I mean this is a law that assures women are paid the same for the same work.... and now that is touted as an achievement of the Obama government (and it should be)....

My first reaction is... I mean this is United States of America... supposed to be the leader in terms of freedom and liberty... and they are signing the equal pay for equal work only now?????? I mean India has had that law for more than 30 years... ofcourse implementation might be really bad in India... but at least on paper we have had that law... if a woman were to seek a remedy she would have statute to back her up....

In many ways when I was living in America, i saw many things which are backward.... for instance the bible belt is not as open as we would be made to believe... they are opposed to gay rights, womens reproductive rights, women's rights perse and ofcourse racism....

I got perplexed by this dichotomy....

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