Friday, September 09, 2005

Feeling of being pigeons!!!

Call it the charm of my house or even me...for the past few weeks I have been fighting a pigeon who has been desperately trying her best to build a nest on my bathroom window...

infact the pigeon, who I shall lovingly call "Bunty"(cos she does look as chalu and round as Rani Mukerjee in Bunty aur Babli), has altered my daily routine ....Now it goes somewhat like this....Get up in the morning, go for a bath, open the bathroom window, throw out the twigs Bunty has flown in to build her nest and go to office...evening come back from office, go for a bath, open the window and throw out the twigs once again and then sleep...and every time I did this Bunty would roll her eyes at me trying to melt me into submission....but like someone told me "all you can or will get at the end of the day for your hospitality is an egg!!"... so with such profound insight nudging me I decided not to invite Bunty into my house and my life....and went about happily with the routine ....

until today......when I saw that there was no Bunty or the twigs to throw out of the window....she had finally got the message and discarded all attempts at building a nest ....the window was like any other window - no life there to interest me now....I miss Bunty.....she had become such a part of my life much so that I had unknowingly started introducing her to my friends...."do you know the pigeon who comes to my bathroom window everyday?" "Do you want to meet the pigeon who lives in my house?".....Not that any of my friends reacted enthusiastically to that suggestion....

Anyways I miss you Bunty....Have a good home wherever...and may you have a thousand eggs!!...and if you do, keep them away from my nephew... Talking about my nephew ....he is the cutest .... One day I jerked up from my sleep on hearing a loud "Good Bye" was Christy saying Good Bye to me in all his school finery-a school bag that was twice his size to carry one book and a lunch box, a blue water bottle and black shoes with white socks...promptly after saying Good bye he pushed my head back into the pillow and said "now you go back to sleep and stay home"....ofcourse going back to sleep is the last thing on your mind after such a warm greeting in the morning...

Okk think I want sleep and sleep wants me.....Heres wishing and hoping everyone feels wanted everyday of their lives.....

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