Sunday, January 22, 2006

25 and downhill?

Remember your 25th b'day? When you have reached the so called silver jubilee line of your life and you are at the cusp of mind blogging changes in your life? When life was all about grasping those challenges and reaching the pinnacles of success? When happiness would be a constant companion in your life and you were rearing to go?

No?? Ohh...thats probably cos you were a 25 year old single girl in India...

I remember my mother going completely beserk when I turned 25.....she was totallyyy livid at the prospect of having a daughter who was 25 and as yet unmarried....and one who kept refusing to listen to her pleas to marry (literally) the next guy who came along.....and quite frankly it did scare me could it such a young age you are suddenly bombarded with talks about a new "clock" and about how if you dont make that decision NOW you will regret it for the rest of your life .....due to some quirk of fate I just managed to escape marrying the next guy who came along....but not without it stressing me out totally for a couple of years....

And it seems the saga still continues with the present crop of 25 year olds....I was having a conversation with a 25 year old who according to me had a great life...a good job, a good social life, and most importantly she was aspiring for so many wonderful things in her life..... yet, here she was completely stressed out....I heard her say the exact same things that my mom said to me 5 years ago....the same old "clock" story and ofcourse the fact that she was getting "old" ....

And I thot to myself..... if 25 is old then 40 means you are dead? and 30 means you are entering your mid life crisis? and then 15 should be the legal age to get married........

and at 25 eventhough you think you know everything you really havenot seen anything....i mean this is the age when you think life is all about parties, friends and earning money.....The thing that perplexes me the most is what would grip a society to actually stress out a 25 year old...and induce what someone called the "quarter life crisis"....Well all I can say is that now looking back at when I was 25 I really do feel like I was a kid ... going around this city with a bookish knowledge about life and love.....and now I am wise enough to know that you really dont know enough at any stage in your life.....And the one rule that I learned was that there is no one size fits all....whatever works for you- works for you and no one else......

And Dont let anyone fool you on that one....sorry people ....this one was not meant to be light...

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