Friday, December 28, 2007

The Art of Being Happy

Well its finally here... this is my 200th post on this blog.... and its quite the optimum time given that it is the end of the year...

End of a year always make me introspect into what happened the whole year... I look back and wonder whether I did all I could and lived in the best way I could have.... and this year I think the overwhelming sense is Yes!.... I could not have done anything better... not to others, not to me or to my job.... I just did what was humanly possible....

and ofcourse as with everything in life there were some disappointments and unexpected turns that come along in life.... and you are never prepared for that no matter how much you have enacted the scene in your head and heart... and finally you just face it boldly and hope to god that "this too will pass".... but then I guess thats the story about everyone's life, isnt it?

Anyways I think this year has given me a lot of things to be grateful about.... I am grateful for the love that people have given me, grateful for the undivided attention, grateful for the friendships that have stood the test of time this year as well, grateful for the bond that I have with my nephews, grateful for the ability to work, grateful for the opportunities that I was given (even if I didnt take them), grateful for the opportunity to love and care for people, grateful for having the sense to retain my own sense of self..... grateful, grateful, grateful.....

and grateful for the lessons i have learned... one of which is the lesson that to love someone (now it could be anyone from your nephews, children, parents, boyfriend etc) is perhaps the most courageous thing a person can do in life.... it is more courageous than going into battle.... and I know that everyone has loved someone or the other at some point in time... so by that definition we are all courageous.....

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