Monday, December 10, 2007

my fashion consultant

Finally I have decided to take control of my wardrobe..... everybody who knows me knows also that I give very little importance to clothes and my outward appearances... if I could I would end up in any place with random mismatched clothes.... with my hair uncombed (cos I think the frizzy hair looks so cool), my very very basic chappals and just feeling happy in comfort clothes....

of late however I have decided that time has come for me to acknowledge my duty to look good in public.... after I am not bad looking, I have a fairly decent smile (some say it induces happiness in them - he he), ok my body needs a little bit of work but I will get there.... so over the weekend I did some shopping for clothes... I decided to go for clothes that I normally would not go for..... skirts, t-shirts, capris etc.... and I must say that the end result was not too bad.... okkkk when I say that it is not to say that everybody loved it.... it is just to say that I loved the new Me!!....i genuinely felt more comfortable, good, happy and just generally perky.....

Ofcourse not that I didnt seek anybody's opinion on my new set of clothes..... one of them being Christy..... he didnt like my skirt so much cos it had a zig zag design but opined that "you look little nice".....he loved my new hooded t-shirt and even said "you look thin!".... yayay.... after all Christy has no reason to hold back his criticism.... he knows his aunt is still going to be his aunt no matter what.... and so I have decided that Christy is going to be my number one fashion consultant....

Till then - heres to the new ME!!!!!

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