Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baby Georges latest obsession is to claim very vociferously that he is not a small boy - that he is a Big boy... And he insists on this everytime he fights with his brother, his mother scolds or generally any restrictions are placed on him....

So one day I decided to generally take his case.... As always I asked "U coming?" before leaving for office... Baby George said no.. Why? I need help in office - I told a very nervous Baby George - I have documents to draft, read etc. So please come .. ... This time the reason was different.. "I am too small a boy to come to office"...

But yday u said u were a BIG boy????

Baby George ran out screaming "Mummy, vavaaunty scaring me".. Ahh kids - they will always have their moms to run to...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a mean vavaaunty