Thursday, April 05, 2012

So I came back from London and as instructed by me, my sister and the kids came to pick me up... there is something about being picked up at the airport that warms my heart... it shows concern and care... I am always thrilled to bits when I am picked up at the airport.... so I didnt shy away a bit before summoning my sister to pick me up - as I told her "you just have to"... she did...

Baby George was in the car too.... he didnt speak much... so I asked him "So Baby George, how are you?"... no response.... hello.....finally a response - "you left me here and went".... what?? what are you talking about Baby George? "you didnt take me to London"....surely I didnt expect this kid to remember that he got into the car thinking he is going to London..... sorry baby george.... to diffuse his mood i promptly produced the goodies from London... "So who wants a toy?"..... and promptly Christy put up his hand...ah old habits die hard....Baby George melted only when I showed him the toy plane I had got for him ... he was so excited as the plane looks like it is going to take off and has a red siren on top.... even I was excited about it for a while.... Baby George soon got so attached to the plane that he started hiding it... my sister even warned me off ... "if you take it he will get up in the morning and make you fly"...I didnt try after that...

this morning while getting ready for work I asked Baby George "U Coming?"... "where?" ........."Office" ........."your office?" ......."yes" .. "but your office is very dark"... huh?? Why is my office dark? turns out Baby George notices the dark glass panes outside and thinks its very dark....hmm... something to think about ... all you people in glass offices... you do not appeal to children...

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