Friday, March 30, 2012

So Baby George is in town... Ofcourse he is no longer a baby but u know hoiw it is - I still call him baby... Anyways at first I started looking for the short boy... Only to find an elongated Baby George... And an extremely shy one... He kinda knew I was someone in his life but was unsure how....

Ofcoursd over the days it become better... At one point he reacted back to something I said saying "U r just a girl"!!! I was aghast.. What do u mean baby george... "Girls can't drive".... Ok... "Girls can't go to office "... "Girls can't swim"...oh ok.. What about ur vavaaunty who goes to office?? "You go to boys office - not yours!" Was his prompt response... Oh woe is me.. I have a MCP growing up....I told him that I will take him for a drive with women drivers to show him that women can drive.... He still didn't buy it... Last I heard winners of lavassa womens driver were looking for Baby George to teach him some lessons about women drivers...

I also had to go to London while he is in mumbai.. U coming? I asked... Where? Baby George queried... "LOndon" I said. "Do they have toys in "ondon?" Once again baby george queried... Yes... "Ok then I am coming" and off he went to wear his shorts and tshirt.... And got into the car excitedly.... And missed the flight cos he fell off to sleep....

Well that is baby george for you....


Ami said...


shikha said...

haha! Baby George has miles to go :)