Thursday, March 01, 2012

I have been watching Wonder Years quite regularly... for the uninitiated Wonder Years is an old series on a boy called Kevin growing up in Suburban America... the series traces his life stories, stories about families, siblings, his relationships with them.... i have never really seen the complete series but watched it intermittently....

I used to always feel a lot of "snugness" watching the series.... you know the normal life with your best friend across the street, your childhood crush living in the same neighbourhood.... lanes which are so safe that you can actually cycle around... children having fights... strict parents ... parents who still go out on date nights and seem to always love each other... you know the things that give you the warm feeling in your heart....

now when I watch it I dont feel the same way.... I realised that this is just a potrayal of a standard life in the United States... it is probably far away from the kind of life that you could have in India.... for instance it is not usual for schools in India to be ok with boys and girls kissing in public... or for parents to be ok with young 13 year olds going out with boys who are 15... at least my parents never did let me do any of that .... it was quite strict for us... looking back I remember resenting my parents for that ... but now hearing all thses stories I am so glad that my parents did what they did.... and I am even more glad that God saved me from so many of the things that could have gone wrong.... I am blessed in short...

so when I compare my life to Kevin Arnold now, I somehow feel I had a pretty similar existence to him... a very standard life with parents being typical mallu parents... my uncles and aunts being as irritating as they are now... my thinner cousins who always made me feel really really fat... my classmates who were very different from me and made me feel different as well... the ill fitting clothes... battle with money issues.... seeing illness come into my family.... and many more such stories...

i cant help but wonder what would a series based on my life be like??

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