Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Finally Kasab dead!! its almost like a Osama bin laden moment for us Indians! I think the government did good in finishing off this business... kudos to the government for taking such a bold step...

Killing Kasab off was in some ways an end to all the years of feeling under attack... now we have shown the world that we take bold decisions as well... and that in our country even a terrorist gets a fair trial... to think, we actually had a lawyer create a story for Kasab saying he was mistaken for someone else and he had come to India only to become an actor! nobody can claim that we did not follow the due process of law.... I am so proud to be an Indian....

On the other hand, I do feel that we caught the small fish... he was probably a misguided youth from Pakistan... who must have been promised virgins and didnt actually understand what he was doing....I feel sorry for such youth... who get caught in this international conspiracy....

Anyways, all I can say is that I am feeling good today about this... feels like my day started off good...

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