Tuesday, January 08, 2013

No country for women

It appears India is no country for women... the gang rape has brought about the worst and best in India.... on one hand is the spontaneous outburst of reaction from the common man.... the scores of men and women who came out on the streets of India to protest this declining safety record for women... and then there are the politicians who came out and the most ghastly things about women....

RSS chief says rapes happen only in India and not in Bharat, despite evidence to the contrary.... and then he says that women are meant to do the household chores... and that if they dont look after the husband then the husband is entitled to leave them and go..... and then ofcourse the shocker from Asaram who thinks a rapist would stop raping if the woman begs him and calls him brother....

Now that the skeletons are out, perhaps its time to acknowledge that there is no country for women....

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