Monday, August 22, 2005

Counting sheep can make you sleep ..or in my case weep...

okk I am at 11:30 in the night bright and sleepless.....this despite the time tested (and not to mention, failed) method of counting sheep....for one you really do need to concentrate to count the sheep and then also after a certain point of time the sheep actually get boring-all of them are white and lets face it..attributing differentiating features to them will take more time than you have for sleep...okkk I am going to stop this nonsense before somebody wants to shear me like a sheep.....

it has been one week since my new job....and I am still getting used to the place....especially missing the pantry service at the click of 155 you could actually get any beverage you clicking and ordering on the internet might get me things quicker than the pantry here....well its not that bad....most days I go down to "Tulsi" and eat my idli dosa bathed in sambhar....a practise that good ole chennai inculcated in me...but now I get to eat my idli bath while watching a fat round rat running around the place (taking away all the purity that is associated with the name Tulsi)...when asked, the manager put it down to the rains!! come on people ....what will we say next? the titanic sank due to the rains?? hmmm...or did it??

well it has also been a week since I changed my hair to poker sister took a look at me and said "its different"....and continued as if life was normal....a thot endorsed by my friend but who did say "I cant get used to this Alice"....other than the usual comments about how nice my hair looks (which I used to get even with my previous hair style) and also the highly expensive shampoos that I am mortaged to buy from now on, it seems like my new hair style has not materially altered my look....which only goes to teach us all a valuable lesson "you are better than your mane"....go figure that one out...

okk think I am going to bed...need to take a steam to relieve my cold and a long day awaits me tomm....but there is a yummy treat waiting for me at the station tomm morning...devika is getting me her home made idli and sambar (thankfully I dont have to see the rat tomm morning then ....yay)....yummy...sorry shyam...its only for women who battle men on the trains every single day....and btw ur coffee powder still smells yummy.....

so byeeeeee for now

P.S. A specialllllll thanks to those who looked after me during my cold and fever.....and to all those who missed my blogging while I was out of commission....

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