Thursday, August 25, 2005

Good luck to all for all their treks...

Just to set things straight I am just not a trek person....and the reason for this is not cos, as someone once famously said , "what is the point of going up if you are just going to come down"....its more deep than that....and quite frankly it is tooooo deep for me to try and answer moving on....

this blog is about people who actually trek...its about my extremely adventurous friend Shiks going with her dad for a trek to the Mansarover lake (or somewhere in the vicinity)....wherever it is she is going I want to wish her all the best ....Shiks come back with lots of news, views and ofcourse your digital photos.....and in the course of the trek if you find discover the meaning of life please do share with me....

Ofcourse living in Mumbai you trek everyday .... I meant the mandatory trek every day to work on the Mumbai local trains.....first it is the agony of standing at the "right" spot...and if someone has actually found that spot it is all about thinking on your feet ..... or rather thinking where to put your feet so as to ensure that at least some parts of your body get into the compartment...amidst the chaos brought on by the approaching train you grab your bag, your umbrella (in the rains), and your wits and make a lunge for the first class ladies compartment hoping that you have landed somewhere near the intended spot.... the cardinal rule is never to let go....... just grab the pole...or the person nearest to you who was lucky enough to get in....and off you go on your 30 minute "joy ride" hoping along the way that your freshly ironed shirt will have some remnants of it's crispness left when you reach Churchgate........when Dadar station arrives you will see how a safety valve operates....people stream out of the compartment as if a valve has been opened .....suddenly leaving a lot of space relieving you momentary.......but soon the load from Dadar enters shattering the 2 second utopia u lived in..... all is not bad actually.....u get to hear other people's love stories....u read books together (since its in your face anyways)....common fare include the Da Vinci Code , Paulo Coelho, chicken soup for the soul etc etc.....and once you reach Churchgate you feel as if you are part of a community....some things in life are indeed priceless!!!

anyways I better sleep now to get ready for my trek tomm morning..........


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