Friday, December 08, 2006

Fever and a cold

I have been waylaid today due to a bad cold and a on again off again fever.... I opted not to go into office as the AC would definitely not be helpful... and whil e sitting at home what is one to do other than think about the mundane inane things of life..

The first one for instane was whether I should blog anonymously... now I never even considered it an option as I was never sure whether there would be any readers to my blog... so I quite confident that I would not get caught by any of the people I know personally .... ofcourse that changed esp since I started directing everyone to my blog to get the latest on my life... I found it extremely convenient to do that instead of actually relating stories to people... well I guess now it is too late for me to even consider that as an option... everyone knows me.. I am out there now ... and everyone is welcome to criticise me...

The second inane thot that entered my brain was ofcourse guilt.... guilt at not having gone to office for a day... I always feel like I am being irresponsible by not dragging myself to the office even if I have a bad cold and fever... I dont know when and where I became like this but I recognise it as a problem now... I just love the feel of working all the time... well not all the time but yes I do feel bad when I have pending work in office and dont finish... what is wrong with me??? ....

and today cos of my cold I could not go and kiss baby tomato... apparently he was crying all day cos I didnt come and meet him... how sweet...

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