Monday, February 12, 2007

The reason why...

I dont think living abroad is cooler than living in India:

a) It is not India

b) There is no Indian food

c) There is no domestic help

d) You have to help the host clean up after dinner at their place

e) Your skin colour determines the worlds attitude towards- when people are kind to you it is "progressive" and when people are rude to you it is "racism". Dont know if it is any other reason.

f) You are always insecure about your place in the country (this is personal)

g) You cant take a taxi (at least in London)

h) You never have conversations with the Sabji walla cos you pick it up off the shelf

i) You cant call up mom and tell her that you are coming over the weekend for a break

j) You are sometimes lonely in the crowd.

k) watching hindi movies abroad is just not the same

l) You tend to forget the wealth that your country has and has given you

m) You genuinely start believing that your country is really backward.

I dont know whether this makes sense to the people reading this... and this is not to say that I will never go abroad ever but I genuinely miss all of the above when I am outside India.... especially Indian food and my place in the system.... .... and no I am not blind to the problems of India either... Its just that I will always be a misfit abroad.... no matter how much I adjust...

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