Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wondering Years

Thanks to Zee cafe I now get to catch reruns of famous serials which have been discontinued. One of my all time favorites is "Wonder Years". The show started when I was in school I think and I actually caught up with it only when I came to law school.

Wonder Years takes me to a place of yearning. Mainly I yearn for the things that Paul, Winnie and Kevin have in the serial - a place where you grew up since you were small, a place where your best friend is just across the street, a place where the girl/boy you like lives across the road and a place where you somehow have the space to discover yourself. As always my biggest grouse in life is that I never grew up in a specific place where I could come back to as home, where I could catch up with my childhood buddies and never realise that times have changed since I left town. I doubt whether the new generation in my family also have that since they also keep moving around with their parents.

In law school, I would also feel jealous of my friends who would relate stories of them meeting with their childhood friends over the school break... my friendships actually began in law school and I cant recollect any friend from childhood who I am in touch. It is slightly difficult when you have shifted countries I guess but still.... I yearn for those things that I cant have...

Perhaps its important to focus on the fact that I have changed homes so many times that I can adjust in any place and make new friends easily....

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