Friday, January 11, 2008

I need to do a liquid diet one day of the week.... I have to decide which day.... I would prefer it to be over the weekend since I dont have to come to office.... but then weekend is also the only day I can be at home and cook up something I like.... also need to also explore how I can liquidify chocolate... hmmmm....

Being on the plumper side of life is not easy.... and there are enough people to make you feel bad about it at some point in your life... as a kid you feel bad and sit quiet... now as an adult I feel another person commenting on another person's weight is totalllllly uncalled for and unwarranted and smacks of bad attitude..... and now my fav retort to anybody who by any chance comments about my weight is: "At least I can lose the weight. What will you do about your ugly face and the various personality disorders that cant be cured?"

hmmmmm.... harsh???? then please feel free to give me a better insult....

1 comment:

Ambarish said... the exchange being referred to in ur post the ones u have with SJ??