Monday, January 07, 2008

The strife to just be

One of the books that I am reading tells me that the aim of living organisms is to "just be"..... it was really heartening to know that the basic aim of every living organism is to just be.... yet I could not help but wonder why it is that we humans cant let another human just be.... we have to judge, poke fun at, pull down, pity, and generally behave badly to another human being who is not like you.... I find it extremely frustrating.... ... Why?... just be... and just let be...

Anyways the New Year has not started on a high note... first there was the Bhutto killing which marred new years, then there was the reported molestation of the women in my city, Mumbai, then the continuous stories of women being raped and attacked all over India..... its shameful and I am so glad everybody is as pissed off as I am....

I remember reading Benazir's autobiography when I was in school.... and now I recollect reading how as a girl growing up in a third world country you are soo scared that men would rape you and you would be defiled for life with no option but to cringe and go underground... and she recollected how this fear stalked her through her Harvard days when she would get scared just seeing a man in her dormitory.... if that is the plight of a powerful woman I wonder how the ordinary women feel....

I have no answers to such madness.....

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