Tuesday, January 22, 2008

They say this is a man's world ... and I have to agree.... I mean look around you and you will see that the world couldnt have been so badly managed if it were not for the men.... for centuries we have heard nothing but the jargon that men are inantely superior to women and women are only good at managing the house... and thats where they should stay..... well all I can say that at least women are good at what they do!

I recently met a stay at home mother... and I could sense that she was feeling soooooo underrated amongst the working women... and tried to cover up her feelings of inadequacy by trying to talk about how to manage work force... while I was amused I kept thinking what is it about the working women around her that makes her feel like she is not doing enough... now does every woman have to be the super mom, super employee, super wife, super daughter, super sister... can we just not take one role instead of rolling all into one .........

and after all this we hear statements that women are meant to be in the kitchen only....my response, Buddy, thank god for that, imagine a man in a kitchen??!!!!!

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