Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Social Behaviour

Okkk I am no Miss Manners but there are certain fundamental rules that have governed my socialising... actually to be honest I have myself failed at complying with most of them but I feel angry/hurt when I see some really bad behaviour.... The rules are as follows:

a. Always smile when you meet a new person - no matter whether you are meeting Sonia Gandhi or Ratan Tata or even the local postman.... it is quite natural for me to smile at most people... but seriously - what does it cost you to smile at the new people you meet? Is your life so pathetic that you cant see other people being happy?

b. Always introduce the person you are with to others in a party - now it is a diff matter if you dont remember the name of the person you are meeting at the party but I think it is EXTREMELY RUDE to be with someone, meet someone else and not introduce the person you are with to the other person - confusing???? welll life is confusing....

c. Dont stick to your partner through the evening - well this is something you would do as a teenager cos you really didnt know better .... you should mingle about and let your partner also be free to talk to other people... I really get irritated by people who feel they have to be with each other all the time in a crowd.... okkk this is my personal view and most wont subscribe to this but what the heck - they are not writing this blog!...

d. However, if you see that your friend/partner not having a good time at the party, it is important to go and make that person feel ok... otherwise you are just a jerk who got lucky enough to get someone to come with you to the party...

e. Dont make comments about another person in front of others - you can ofcourse have your opinions (who doesnt) but it is RUDE to openly bitch about another person at the party

f. Finally, always thank the host for inviting you. How much of an effort does it take to actually say thankyou?

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