Sunday, May 13, 2007

Memory Lane

I am sure this is a common occurence in every household... storing stuff that dates back to Adam and Eve on account of the fear that you may "need it again"..... my house is cluttered with such stuff... infact at one time my house was cluttered with a washing machine that never washed, a dishwasher that never washed dishes, a freezer that was toooo big... and ofcourse there are the various things that we had accumulated from all over- a wall plate from Oman, a post card from England of Diana and Prince Charles's wedding (yes, my mom is a huge fan of Diana), a big yellow fan from Kanyakumari.... and on top of it all my Dad's medical journals, which will never go out of style according to my Dad....

And today in one of the most innocuous conversations my mom revealed that she had 3 rice cookers in the house. Why 3? "Well, one is what I use currently. The other two stopped working a while back but I just keep it for memory sake".

But Mom, what memory are you trying to preserve here?? That we graduated from boiling our rice in large pots to rice cookers?

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