Friday, January 05, 2007

Okk the New Year can be better...

Okk... so my new year has not really got off to a rocking start.... and it has only been 5 days!!!... and worse I have forgotten the art of cracking a good joke.... so this is what happened...

I heard this really interesting incident where a friend went to meet the project manager and the manager of a company on work in Ahmedabad.... so the introductions went something like this:

Project Manager: Hi, I am Mr. Pani

Manager: Hi, I am Mr. Puri.

Got it? PaniPuri? ha hahah.... anyways I laughed my head out at this .... and promptly made devious plans to crack the joke to someone in office...and soon scouted around for a bakhra.... and found it in my colleague P... who very reluctantly agreed to listen to my joke....... so I rattled off the particular incident.... the only thing is- I introduced Mr. Puri first !! so my colleague just didnt get the joke.... I scrambled out of the situation clutching my head for failing to tell a joke properly...........

Arghhhhhh!!! Could it be any worse???...

Anyways made it up by telling the joke properly to Baby Tomato.... who found extremely engrossing (as he kept staring at my face) and finally smiled (after a lot of tickling and antics).... guess I have found my actual bakhra ....until he grows up and realises that his aunt is really a bad story teller.......

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