Friday, January 26, 2007

White Shirt

I am always reluctant to buy a white shirt cos:

a) It is firstly white. So it is difficult to maintain. It is like a beautiful woman who is high maintenance.
b) I cannot give it to my maid to clean and have to have it dry cleaned.
c) when I wear it I have to make sure that I dont touch anything that will potentially stain... which inlcudes even watching carefully while getting into a taxi...

and despite such efforts somehow or the other that stubborn stain manages to find my crisp white shirt!!! and the lonegvity of a white shirt is only about 3 months for me... ofcourse it is more if I dont wear it at all ....

so imagine my surprise when a friend came wearing a crisp, clean, perfect white shirt and declared that it was 10 years old!!!! yes people 10 yearsssssss old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... My eyes ofcourse popped and then I started asking incredulous questions-

Me: "you mean you are wearing it after 10 years?"

Friend: "no, I have been wearing it regularly"

Me: "Oh, you probably bleached it for it to appear so white"

Friend: "No never"

Me: "You probably wash it only with whites.. you see I have coloured clothes and hence...." (trying hard to justify my non white wardrobe)

Friend: "No. I just machine wash it"

Okkk by now I am ready to be swallowed by mother earth... I make one more last ditch effort..

Me (almost screaching): "You mean this white shirt has not got damaged at alll in these 10 years??"

Friend: "Actually there is one small damage..."....

Aha!!! I knew it!! I did a little twirl in my mind... Nobody can maintain a white shirt!!!!

Friend (totally unaware of the twril in my mind): "One button has got sightly chipped.."

Ok... Please swallow me earth...

Then I did the best that I could do ... I just accepted ... accepted the fact that I would not have a white shirt for more than 3 months (unless ofcourse I dont wear it at all)... accepted the fact that white is probably not meant for my colourful personality.... accepted the fact that Baby George is probably better at keeping his whites WHITE!!!!

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