Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Second Chances

Ever since the begining of this year (ofcourse it has been only a day) I have been thinking about the concept of second chances.... second chance at anything- at life, at friendships, at relationships, at marriages, at jobs.... Should there always be a second chance?

There are many instances in ones life when you are either asking for a second chance or being asked for a second chance.... personally I have often faced situations where people have behaved in quite the wrong way with me and then come back asking for a second chance .... to rebuild friendships and start over again.... and I have been pretty strict about it all the time... no second chances with my trust.... once gone, it is stays there- GONE.... and I have moved on without a second thought....

I am baffled by the questoin of whether this is the right approach.... What if the second time round there is better understanding? There is more respect? in short there is a better relationship? Am I forgoing all just cos I believe in no second chances? After all it is not like one comes into this world with a manual on what not to do... and quite often we are all given a second chance sometime or in some form in life....our parents are always giving us second chances... and God does not say "I already gave you a relationship and you failed at it.. so no second chances for you"...

After all this rumination, would I give a second chance? I am not sure I am that forgiving yet... at the same time I am not sure whether I am that cruel yet.... I guess my decision will be based on the genuiness of the person... and perhaps on my feelings for that person...All I can hope is when people ask for a second chance they understand the value of that chance....

Gosh this is a serious blog on the second day of the year.... what happened to the "funny" in me???

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