Tuesday, October 05, 2010

So looks like living in the developed world is a step down for me... so from a 1000 sq feet house in Mumbai, I went down to 750 sq feet in Washington and now finally to 550 sq feet in London.... so hands down London wins as the most expensive city in the world... and everytime I spend money now I convert pounds into dollars first and then to rupees... so London is exactly twice that of US... so a sandwich costing 5 dollars in the US would cost me 5pounds in the UK... at the exchange rate it is double the US dollars.... and many times I gulp at the exhorbitant prices and want to scream and beat the shopkeeper with my shopping bag 'you lousy fellow.. how can you cheat us 'hardworking Indians from Mumbai, already lived life in the US and now living in the UK'??'... but mostly I just pay and hope that somewhere in the cosmos the correction will take place..

Coming back to the house... it feels so small that I feel crowded by seeing myself in the mirror... i scream silently 'get out of the way you moron - you are blocking my way'... if anyone were to record me they would definitely come away convinced that the CWG games mess (not anymore ofcourse) is less of a mess than me....I am hoping that a rat does not join me in the house otherwise I will seriously camp outside the apartment in protest....

In other news.. a friend offered to introduce me to anotehr friend in London... but cautioned me saying 'oh by the way, this friend of mine may actually tell you bad things about Mumbai since they hate that city. so be patient'....I declined to meet the friend - I mean I react violently to anyone critcising Mumbai... and quite frankly I am beginning to feel like I am the person in the wrong here (when clearly I am not) cos I am the one who is always objecting to statements... and I have not yet had the maturity to ignore these comments either....

As you can see I am just not cut for life in a foreign country... suprisingly since all my childhood has been spent outside India....

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